Thursday, December 08, 2011

Planning for the Exit

It's been a long time since I've written and alot has happened both in the country and in my personal realm. I ended a longterm relationship and changed jobs. The U.S. has fallen into one of the worst recessions in my adult lifetime. The new president has been ineffective and the economic powers that be (wallstreet) have destroyed our prosperity and middle class existance. The hopes for a turnaround with the last election have proven that neither party has any solution to our countries dire condition. None of the players who made decision both in washington and in the investment sectors  have been punished. The wealthy power brokers have secured their positions on the backs on the U.S. taxpayers and now they hold the currency hostage by not releasing money to business for loans and commerce. We have the highest unemployment in California history and I fear each year I will become a statistic. There are demonstartions and protest all around the country because people are fed up with our goverment being run by wallstreet and their interest.

I have a new relationship a grown up one :) and I'm very happy and it is the brightspot of my life.
I have finally met another person who thinks like I do and we like most of the same things. I have been introduced to travel, adventure, and been taken out of my safe and predictable life. I have done two mountain climbing trips and am going to travel to central america early next year. I've come to the realization that the United States is never going to be the same ever again. The last five years have destroyed any hope of retiring here. I am going to explore other areas and get out of the U.S. hopefully in two years. The retirement I will recieve from ex hub will fund me nicely in another country where it is not excessive american  living standards. I've found a partner who agrees and we want to find our final destination and live simply and be happy. My job in the luxury jewelry sector is showing no signs of recovery as people tighten their belts. I'm frankly surprized that I still have a job as many of my past collegues have lost their jobs and been unable to recover.

I think it is wise to plan and leave with some resources while I am afforded the opportunity. I have been very spartan and save most of my money. I am sure quite a few of my countrymen have come to the same conclusion. I am very sad that America has come to this being a boomer I never imagined it would be so hard to be an american. All signs indicate the wealthy are looking to enslave the middle class and make them dependant on the goverment. We will lose our freedom to control our destiny. The economic future in the state of california looks bleek. I hope america wakes up before it is too late.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Witnessing History

Okay, I've been around long enough to remember JFK and Martin Luther King. As a child I was aware they were significant players in the 60's. We've got a whole generation who are unaware of the difference one individual can make. I grew up in a world where a non white president was unthinkable.

Thank god for progress and living long enough to see the world change. Some things in the world have gotten worse just look at our economic picture in the US. The old guard of rich, white, older politicians and corporate titans are slowly being replaced. They have driven this country into the ground America has finally awakened. It is my hope that our citizen demand change and that the elitist haves will recognize social responsibility.

Please vote it is the most precious right we have. Examine the country and not just self interest let's make a difference one vote at a time.

Monday, July 14, 2008


I seems I can't get up in the morning without hearing more bad economic news on TV. Now Indy Mac insolvent. People wake up! There are to many negatives going on at the same time. Write your senators in Bold Italics if you have too. It would be wise to take half of your assets (cash) out and available. During the Great Depression people use to stuff their mattress with dough. It's going to end up each man for themselves pretty soon so it's prudent to do what you must to survive. When Fannie and Freddy holders of half of U.S. mortgages gets a govt. bailout you know the banks are next.

The Fed does not care about average citizen their interest lies with the investor (elite) and wall street banks. This country is run by Wall Street they've bought the congress and W is an oil man. How do you think you matter? This country has been in slow decline since the seventies. So let's review:

Housing Depression
High Gas
Credit Crunch
Bank Failures
Food Inflation
Home Price Inflation (CA, NY) especially
Unaffordible Health Care
Climbing Unemployment

It's not a goverment for the people anymore. I hope you make your vote count in November cause this country is in peril.

Monday, August 13, 2007

THe Unwinding

The discussion has been whirling about for two years concerning our economy and the effect of housing bubble. The evidence is mounting daily and playing out the in US stock market the past several weeks. The high yields with out risk mentality has all but vanished. A lot of players and hedge fund guys got a major whooping these past weeks. The denial of spread sub prime disease has permeated into the financial markets and banks with disasterous results.

I hope the average middle class Joe realises that it is not a good thing when the fed has to infuse billions into our banking system and the prez has to go on television twice in one month to assure the economy is stable. We are in trouble folks. Those who have leveraged their home equity and carry high debt are the first victims the rest of us who didn't live above our means will also suffer indirectly. The coming credit crunch and banking weakness will affect consumer spending or 2/3 of the economy. If that is severe and we have a dismal holiday season then unemployment will follow. With a low saving rate as a country and high debt americans are going to feel severe financial pains.

Even the global economy is feeling our sickness as they bought a lot of the securatized bad mortgage debt. Eventually these emerging economic powers will not want to support our debt and they will support their own currency and not our dollar. Personally I'd avoid making any major purchases until there is clearer evidence where the US is heading. The spending binge california has been on is coming to a major slowdown. A great number bought homes larger than they could afford and new vehicles two of the largest liabilities for an individual.
We have have foreclosures looming on the horizon so vast nobody will believe it. The game going forward should be keeping a job that pays decent and paying off debt and living spartan.

If you are fortunate enough to have some cash reserves or saving keep it in safe investments such as CD"s, MM accounts, ect. Or invest in the euro or gold coin or bullion. Keeping ones head above water during the coming years will be crucial to economic survival. Most of us born post WWII have never experienced a true depression scenario like our grandparents. I will say that that generation even when they prospered later in life never spent like they could. It changed them forever and I fear I will witness the same in my lifetime.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Settling In

To say I'm exhausted is an understatement to be sure. A move from S.C. to L.A. then in a surprize twist landed in the O.C. Securing a good position after one week with a very reconizable fashion forward company. In all fairness I started the wheels rolling while still in S. C. I'd moved to West LA anticipating the Beverly Hills Position and had to break my lease after a month. Coastal O.C. is not a bad second choice however. The demands are greater and hours longer but the financial rewards make it platable. It took a while and few unforseen setbacks to get here but it's finally here. Danny, Britton kiss my fabulous California hot ASS!

I'm still very keen on timing the bottom of the real estate debacle in southern cal. The economy will be the wild card. I have dual interest, as a manager I want my sales and productivity to soar needing the consumer to support that. As a non home owner I want to see values decline and inflation to cause correction in this region of the country. So it's a delicate balancing act. Either of those scenarios in the extreme and I lose. I have alot of hard work ahead but the outcome will bring financial and personal satisfaction. At least I'm doing it myself and unlike these O.C. golddiggers I'm my own boss.

After being out of California for eighteen months I'm happy to be back. Friends and family a car ride away. All the oppotunity to thrive and the greatest weather in the country. All my friends and colleagues in the business thanks for all your support while I was back east....

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Heading Home

Have not posted for several months too much going on. My fifteen month stay in the deep south is soon coming to a close. Circumstances and destiny have another path for me. I've had much time to contemplate and realize sometimes you can have the best laid out plan and things beyond your control step in. As always I keep on the political pulse and watch the economic picture carefully. Things have shifted in the US economy and the bulls are fearful. Of late the market has taken two falls recently and the sub-prime debacle emerged. There is corporate backlash and middle class warfare an issue in the 08 upcoming elections. And of course the dictator in the white house has lost the confidence of the people. His inner circle exposed and rife with scandal front page news on a regular basis.

One of the main reasons I departed So Cal was the housing\ cost of living situation which since I arrived in the south has started a reverse trend. Basically the shit will hit the fan soon and there should be a lot of foreclosures and thus opportunity. Now with the Dems in office and intense scrutiny on business maybe this class polarization will abate somewhat. The past six years where difficult for the average person as the investor class ran Washington. My only concern and not in my control is whether the broader economy takes a hit and recession affects employment . Hopefully living spartan, a good fico, and good cash position will benefit me in the after math of the housing bubble.

So in April I'm heading back to the golden state despite it's masses,higher cost of living, and traffic. Family is another prime reason they've expressed a need for my presence as my ex has cut them out of his life. Apparently his new priority is the "new" wife and her baggage(children) so he's chosen to disavow his own children. I feel sad for them and they need the security of at least one available parent. My immediate goals will be finding a growth job and re-establishing myself and reconnecting with family and friends. I have alot of work ahead of me. On the pro active side I have been contacted by companies (6) who've express interest in interviewing once I get there. So I'm pretty confident.

This time I'm going to try West L.A. seems to be the hub of what's happening in my business the luxury companies anyway. Living in the inland burbs is too close to my past and I'm trying to move on once and for all. Still have to pack up my condo here and get the logistical stuff worked out. A nice cross country drive and hopefully be moving in by mid April. Then the work of job securing starts after that.. Establish position to be able to buy a property by the market bottom. Finish up my practical exam (GIA) and take my final by years end. A lot to do so the next time I log an entry in it will be from the west side and hopefully I'll have a big smile on my face that says I'm glad I'm home again.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Pushing ever Forward

The changes are coning slowly as the landscape of both house change shape. We got past the first severals weeks of civility as GB did the rounds with his new adversarial congress. It's harlarious to watch how careful they were not to step on each others toes. Pelosi wasting no time in getting some major bills in motion. Of course there is the ever present albatross this stupid war and GWB thinking of a lame last ditch effort (surge) could possibly undo this disaster of a war. The Wall Street boys are seeing the beginnings of long overdue scrutiny in the ethics of trading and banking practices. Crying foul and underplaying corruption regularly reported in the mainsteam media.

Well folks, At least the Dems are trying to cover the little guy so it appears so far. I'm not claiming they have all the answers to the domestic problems we are currently facing. I am saying at least they are not in denial that there are problems and that we are not all benefitting from the so called great economy. I think sadly GWB will go out unfavorably he made his rich cronies wealthy and in the end they all turned on him. I'll never quite believe that Cheney did not shape GWB policies. Only one year left for this awful legacy to run it's course too bad the GOP had to push the people to the brink. Arrogance is the one word that comes to mind when I reference this current administration. Hopefully we have an advocate in the new congress both parties having learned that the vote of the common man is indeed a powerful statement.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tying Up Loose Ends

Even with some of the distractions of late I have managed to stay on track. My goal of finishing my gemology studies is on track. I took a exam a few days before thanksgiving waiting for the results. I will start studying for my final this week I want to sit for my final by years end which is in a few weeks. This was not the best year for me career wise and personally. I did however mange to get some educational goals finished which should help career wise. I guess this time of the year is not the best to send out resumes but I did anyway. Nothing promising yet and I may have to linger in SC longer than I'd hoped. I do miss the west coast and my family and friends. Finances a little tight as BF is holding down the fort. I hate that because I don't want to be beholding to a man. This was a real wake up call for me and the longest layoff I've had in my career. As far as the company that brought me out here and then pulled the rug out? I've put the word out to industry colleagues karma will sort them out. The thing that matters is what I do for this point and I know what my worth is. I will land that position I want and move on to a sucessful endeavor. As far as the holidays? I don't plan to celebrate money is tight and I'm far from home. Still watching economy and housing just not as much as before.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Holiday Hectic

This of course is the part of the year I dread it always seems a million things crop up during this time of year. My primary focus of late has been trying to recover from a bad career decision and relocation made last year. I'm in active job search and getting ready to take two exams and of course my car needed almost $700 in repairs along with various minor irritations. Thanksgiving is Thursday and I can't relish the thought of cooking all that stuff. Really, I'm not big on commercialism and the holidays which is ironic as I'm in the fine Bling biz. So I'm throwing stuff out and maybe something will stick and I can't get out of the south never to return. Doing some communication with headhunters which is really a production as you get put through the gauntlet which I think is overkill. It's not like I'm shopping a CEO placement really! You even read about these guys being total incompetent in many cases and they get outrageous salaries. If it works fine if not I'll move anyway and find my own job. One thing I won't do is sell myself short or commit to something I don't see long term opportunity in. If I go back to California I won't take marginal salary it cost a fortune to live there. Hopefully after the first part of next year I'll have a better indication of where I'm headed. As far as the bigger picture? hopefully the business climate and economy will stay stable? It's like 50/50 recession talk and housing crash especially in CA. Some bigger things you just have no control of . Right now? I have decide if I want to try again and trust things will go right this time around.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The New Civility

The smear and name calling has ended and the last votes tallied. Now the the sweep of the house and senate is in new hands we wait with baited breath. Now that the president received a clear message he has changed his bully stance. With Rumsfeld gone he cannot "stay the course" it cost the GOP the election. The coverage in the preceding days after the election shows a effort on the GOP to embrace a non partison approach to solution. This may just be the honeymoon period so I'm expect as time goes by there could be gridlock, veto, and bickering. One thing is clear the electorate now realises that when america is pushed in the wrong direction for too long we will demand change. Hopefully the new Democratic congress remembers that.