Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tying Up Loose Ends

Even with some of the distractions of late I have managed to stay on track. My goal of finishing my gemology studies is on track. I took a exam a few days before thanksgiving waiting for the results. I will start studying for my final this week I want to sit for my final by years end which is in a few weeks. This was not the best year for me career wise and personally. I did however mange to get some educational goals finished which should help career wise. I guess this time of the year is not the best to send out resumes but I did anyway. Nothing promising yet and I may have to linger in SC longer than I'd hoped. I do miss the west coast and my family and friends. Finances a little tight as BF is holding down the fort. I hate that because I don't want to be beholding to a man. This was a real wake up call for me and the longest layoff I've had in my career. As far as the company that brought me out here and then pulled the rug out? I've put the word out to industry colleagues karma will sort them out. The thing that matters is what I do for this point and I know what my worth is. I will land that position I want and move on to a sucessful endeavor. As far as the holidays? I don't plan to celebrate money is tight and I'm far from home. Still watching economy and housing just not as much as before.