Have not posted for several months too much going on. My fifteen month stay in the deep south is soon coming to a close. Circumstances and destiny have another path for me. I've had much time to contemplate and realize sometimes you can have the best laid out plan and things beyond your control step in. As always I keep on the political pulse and watch the economic picture carefully. Things have shifted in the US economy and the bulls are fearful. Of late the market has taken two falls recently and the sub-prime debacle emerged. There is corporate backlash and middle class warfare an issue in the 08 upcoming elections. And of course the dictator in the white house has lost the confidence of the people. His inner circle exposed and rife with scandal front page news on a regular basis.
One of the main reasons I departed So Cal was the housing\ cost of living situation which since I arrived in the south has started a reverse trend. Basically the shit will hit the fan soon and there should be a lot of foreclosures and thus opportunity. Now with the Dems in office and intense scrutiny on business maybe this class polarization will abate somewhat. The past six years where difficult for the average person as the investor class ran Washington. My only concern and not in my control is whether the broader economy takes a hit and recession affects employment . Hopefully living spartan, a good fico, and good cash position will benefit me in the after math of the housing bubble.
So in April I'm heading back to the golden state despite it's masses,higher cost of living, and traffic. Family is another prime reason they've expressed a need for my presence as my ex has cut them out of his life. Apparently his new priority is the "new" wife and her baggage(children) so he's chosen to disavow his own children. I feel sad for them and they need the security of at least one available parent. My immediate goals will be finding a growth job and re-establishing myself and reconnecting with family and friends. I have alot of work ahead of me. On the pro active side I have been contacted by companies (6) who've express interest in interviewing once I get there. So I'm pretty confident.
This time I'm going to try West L.A. seems to be the hub of what's happening in my business the luxury companies anyway. Living in the inland burbs is too close to my past and I'm trying to move on once and for all. Still have to pack up my condo here and get the logistical stuff worked out. A nice cross country drive and hopefully be moving in by mid April. Then the work of job securing starts after that.. Establish position to be able to buy a property by the market bottom. Finish up my practical exam (GIA) and take my final by years end. A lot to do so the next time I log an entry in it will be from the west side and hopefully I'll have a big smile on my face that says I'm glad I'm home again.