Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What will change?

Twelve years of a GOP dominated house and senate I don't have to remind you of that outcome. We the people yeah! remember us? sent a message to W yesterday. Time for him to listen to an opinion other than his own and the bad advice he is being fed daily by that incompetent team of advisers. Unless he wants writers cramp wielding that almighty veto pen he needs to think of the country for once not his rich cronies. Granted, we are still waiting for Montana and Virginia to tally it is a nail biter. It doesn't look good for the Reps to keep the senate. I think this was surely an anti- incumbent and GOP backlash election..

The issues too many and all important. I feel the middle class finally got tired of struggling more each year while we hear about the CEO's of the world recieving outrageous compensations. The GOP were throwing billions of dollars away spending our nation to the poor house. The evidence of social and financial inequity was growing faster each year. We want out of Iraq period! those dollars need to go to our domestic issues. Immigration oh don't get me started! First of all I am of hispanic heritage so for me this is not a racial issue. I think we should impose criminal penalties to companies that hire them. We don't need to exploit cheap slave labor when we have a struggling working class of native born citizens.

The issues of unaffordable housing, health care, college tuition, stagnant wages, high energy and gas were on my mind as I voted. I don't think I was alone in that respect as I have seen my own economic picture change. As I woke up early this morning I flipped by CNBC and they were all whining about the new congress and the adverse effect on big business and the investor elite. It appears they fear roll back of cap gains, dividend, and possible regulation of some sectors. If there wasn't so much corruption on wall street and the playing field was indeed level there would be nothing to fear.

I can only be optimistic and hope this can be the start of some positives for the nation.That we the electorate has seen what happens when they turn there back on those whom they serve. I thank the boys in Iraq for their sacrafice. I pray they can come back to a better nation full of opportunity for them, us, and their families.

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